Small Group Booking
Three pitches together

Small Group Bookings
Camping is a great way to spend a few days away with friends!
At Haw Wood Farm we aim to get the balance right between individual campers and those wanting to camp with friends and family.
We have put a limit on the number of group bookings we allow at any one time, restricted the number of pitches together to three and we choose carefully the area we allocate to groups so that no individual feels uncomfortable. This is why it is so important that you do not book yourselves in online if you are looking for a group experience.
If you would like to book three pitches together at Haw Wood Farm please email us at with the dates you require, the number of people in the group, the pitch type prefered and a contact number of the lead booker. We cannot guarantee we will be able to accomodate you if we already have our maximum number of groups booked in on the dates you request, but we will do our best.
A Small Group Booking is any 3 pitches together. It is not permitted to book more than 2 pitches yourself together online. This includes any persons making a separate booking with the knowledge that they are pitching next to or near friends. If you wish to book 3 pitches together you will be charged the Small group booking rate shown below:
Low and Saver Season
Standard Pitch £38.50 per pitch per night
Grass Serviced pitch £45 per pitch per night
Fully Serviced pitch £51 per pitch per night
High Season
Standard pitch £48 per pitch per night
Grass Serviced pitch £54 per pitch per night
Fully Serviced pitch £58.50 per pitch per night.
The Small Group Booking Charge includes a main unit, a PUP* Tent and up to 6 people per pitch plus one event shelter/gazebo.
Before you decide to request to book, please be aware that Haw Wood Farm has a good reputation as a peaceful family Campsite. We ask that all guests observe a quiet period between 10pm and 8am for which we make no exceptions for groups. This means that your socialising should not be keeping anyone else awake. If this isn't what you are looking for we totally understand you wanting to look elsewhere.
*A small tent for one or two people, storage or pets.
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